Thursday, February 13, 2014

Feb 8, 2014 Email from Terry Busby

- We are starting abatement on Monday.

- On Thursday February 6, 2014 workers … began removal of the drywall soffit and

a small section of concrete walk on the ramp and canopy located along 8th

investigative purposes … to expose the hidden elements of the feature so we could

best determine the safest and most expeditious method of its removal. While it was not

our intent to remove the actual feature at this time it should be noted that its removal

is allowed under the Demolition Permit that we have secured from the District of

Columbia … It was our intent to notify you of the methods to be utilized for its removal

once our exploratory work was complete.

- We intend to build the facade on 7th St., 8th St. and Constitution Ave. per the

approved drawings. The only exception is an area around the entry which the board has

asked to change...mainly having to do with removing the tree on the entry plaza and

some other details.

- Concerning the vibration from this work that can be felt inside the Parish, [the Parish

reverend said] according to him the vibrations he felt yesterday in the parsonage it was

not a big deal and got blown out of proportions by “others”. I did ask if he heard the

jack hammer when he felt the vibration he said he heard the jack hammer but he had

been hearing it all morning and that was not the cause of the vibration also ask if he had

vibrations when concrete trucks or tractor trailers pass on 8thstreet he said he did.Mr.

Perry heard me speaking to the Reverend and stated he had a dumpster switched out

yesterday and the driver often drops the box hard and at times drags the box out of the


 Street canopy … is a very small part of our Phase I interior demolition plan.

- The 8th

Phase II includes the 1 story additions in the front and back.

- We have inspected the rectory. As we have discussed with the Parish we will be

documenting the same when it is required.

- The alley behind the Parish will be closed all next week for construction, Feb 8 to

remove an old gate. Closing of the alley is in the site utilization plan.
Feb 5, 2014 Email from Terry Busby

All tree removal was fully licensed by DC Government. My tree company spent several

months with the Forestry department and the tree removal was fully vetted. We paid

over $5,200 in permit fees for re-forestation requirements for three trees. [Provided

the permits for removal of the trees]
Jan 16, 2014 Email from Terry Busby.

- [Provided site utilization plan and notes]

- We were probably more surprised than you were when Verizon dug up our "front

yard". Admittedly it's public space, but I thought they would have given us some notice.

It appears they are about complete. As I mentioned in my last note to you we have our

interior demolition permit. We will be starting that work and the abatement shortly. Our

abatement contractor assembles his workers off-site and brings them to the site on a

bus. We have also arranged to use the lower level of the hospital parking garage for any

other trades who might be working on-site.